Tuesday 1 December 2015

Tobacco in the Usa


  1. will all the negative heath affect do you think the government should ban cigarettes?

    1. Good question Eleni. I personally think the government should. The effects are undeniable. one side of the argument is the smokers who have been doing I all their life, will not agree. their addiction would need to be taken care of. this may pose as an opposition for the government to deal with.

    2. Pot (weed, Marihuana) is WAY WAY WAY more dangerous than tobacco as it *literally* destroys neurons making people dumb and slow, and the government support that!. So I don't think the government is going to ban Tobacco...

  2. Cigarettes Are Bad For Health But I Hear People Saying E-Cigarettes Are Safer For Your Health. Is This True? And Is There Also An Even Safer Method Than To Smoking Normal Cigarettes?

    1. i heard vape cigarettes r worse then tobacco ones. is it true ?

    2. Hey, in regards to the Smokeless vs smoke debate..
      An E-cig contains nicotine and tobacco. whereas a normal cig contains both. Tobacco as you know, causes cancer. The long term effects have no been studied in detail, as Cancer and health effects take time to develop. it is advised as a product that cannot be determined its full health effects currently.

      analysts have found many of normal cig chemicals in also in e cigs.


    3. studies show the chemical Formaldehyde appeared in low amounts. this is a substance known to cause cancer. it is said that a heavy vap user is 5-15x more likely to develop cancer then a long term cig user.
      but again there are not enough studies over a period of time to justify this.

  3. Which one is less affect second hand smoking or a person who is in heavy smoking?

  4. Do you think that smoking is increasing or decreasing nowadays?

    1. Regular cigarettes have decreased. but ecigs have made smoking something that seems healthy and okay. but its not.

  5. Why did you choose this topic for the use of tobacco in the U.S? Do you feel cigarettes there are more potent/less potent in comparison to cigarettes made in other countries?

    1. Good question. I feel that a developed country such as the usa has the necessary resources to conduct through reliable updated studies. The facts and statistics were consistent throughout the years. I feel in the usa there are many more regulations in place for manufactures, compared to the potentially more potent cigs made in other countries.

  6. everyone knows the facts of the smoking than why most of them love to smoke especially teenagers?

    1. due to advertising on Tv by doctors and on the box its self the harm it causes, I would say most likely yes. possibly in teenagers the desire to fit in. in this day and age, It would be to go against the main stream idea that cigs are bad.

  7. Why do you think companies keeps making and selling tobacco and cigarettes even though it is harmful for the people's health?

    1. Ah, because they know that there are people who can become relaxed by the product. and are willing to pay for it. the company sees a way to make revenue.

  8. Nice presentation Kyle! I was wondering if you think that in 20 years time will governments around the world ban every single tobacco item and make it illegal to smoke?

    1. *late due to technical issues on personal computer, now using other computer.
      hello Michael. i think that in 20 year time. there will be a large amount of prolonged health effects emerging from long term smokers. therefore due to the overwhelming evidence i think that some Governments may impose a ban. On the contrary, I believe many 3rd World nations will not ban it. The reason being, tobacco is something that is is a source of income. It is cultivated, and processed in factories. Banning this would potentially create damaged economy.

  9. Do you think the cost of cigarette's will increase?

    1. * see above description
      Hello Jessica. I think that the price of cigarettes may increase over time. as stated previously, the results are becoming more profound of the health effects of smoking. A increase in price is a good way to deter people from using it. When this is introduced, there is inequality the lower class may not be able to purchase the product that they are now addicted to. thus the possibility of smuggling and other illegal activities become a factor. There are a good and bad side to raising it.

  10. awesome,

    How do you think people can stop smoking and can have control on it?

    1. *""
      Hello Athraa. Good question! There are a number of ways someone who is addicted to smoking but has the desire to stop. The first is resisting the temptation to smoke not even having one. There are nicotine replacements that help to ease the cravings also chewing gum takes the mind off the desire. talking to your local doctor about how to stop and the benefits of quitting. Also all talking to close friend and family about your decision can help to hold you accountable.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Kyle...great topic and such in-depth answers to everyone's questions. Awesome discussion! Sorry I do not se your data or regression equation.
