Monday, 27 July 2015

Blood Alcohol Concentration and Elimination in the Human Body

To view my Mathematics Research Project, please go to this link:

Blood Alcohol Concentration and Elimination in the Human Body

I had tried to upload it to here, but it caused my slides to get all screwed up.


  1. Awesome presentation Travis. I think it is a very interesting topic and one that definitely applies to the mathematics we learned.

  2. drinking has a big impact on human health also causes accidents like car accidents

  3. How Fast Can The Alcohol Eliminate From the Human Body Depending On How Much The Person Has Drink?

  4. During our 180lb male drinkers "drive to work" the next day he still has a percentage of alcohol in his system. Do you believe at that low of an amount he should still be arrested and loose his licence and car for 7+ days (depending on his ticket for "driving under the influence") even though at such a low amount he couldn't possibly even know its still within his system?

    What ways can he speed up removing the alcohol from his system?

  5. During our 180lb male drinkers "drive to work" the next day he still has a percentage of alcohol in his system. Do you believe at that low of an amount he should still be arrested and loose his licence and car for 7+ days (depending on his ticket for "driving under the influence") even though at such a low amount he couldn't possibly even know its still within his system?

    What ways can he speed up removing the alcohol from his system?
