Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Candian population

 As for the Google reference, Google Canada Birth/Death Rate, this link will go to the fatality graph and the birth rate will be nine columns above the one you'll be sent to. Also, the reason the Canadian population is increasing by a huge factor, is there are a lot of off-shore permanent, temporary, workers and un-documented visitors give or take. And that would have taken more time that would have needed to give a complete view. For more in-depth information about this presentation feel free to ask me.


  1. Do you think that the death rate may meet or surpass the birth rate because of an aging population?

  2. Not at all. The reason is the spike of fatalities is going is from the baby boom generation, and that's going to hurt our population. The people are lacking to contribute to births in order to balance out the death rate. So, there are two things running: One, the deaths from the baby boom generation will drive up these ratings. And two, people are having smaller family's. However, since it's going up, those numbers are coming from people that are beyond our boarders. Therefore, if this continues, we might become a minority in our own country. Please know I'm merely speaking about a possible future

  3. Okay, fair point but the baby boom generation is adding to the fatalities because they are aging are the not? People don't generally die just because. And it's not like Canada is a country of many uncontrolled fatal diseases.

    1. Indeed they aging population is adding to the death rate, however, people are having smaller families and that will strain the Canadian population growth. Also, the data repersents a crude (average) rate, which means this information is flawed to begin with. As to what Alix said, "census information is optional", and that hurts to what accurate information should be telling us.

  4. Interesting scenario you pose Chad- if it was solely based upon the math, then the death rate would indeed surpass the birth rate. However I believe we are experiencing a smaller baby boom out west (and in the FNMI populations) so that should alter the predictions. Too bad we don't have accurate data collection anymore due to the census being optional

  5. What do you think is the main reason for the decrease in birth rates?

    1. A couple of reasons of possible decrease of birth rates, is 1: married couples are second guessing their stance if having a kid is essential to a happy life. And 2: is inflation rates making items harder to purchase and having a kid will make that much tougher. There's a possibility of more reasons why, but I think that these are good enough decisions.

  6. Excellent analysis of two major factors that affect Canada's population. We most be one of the very few countries that does not have exponential growth of our population. I believe the government has at time put in place financial incentives for people to have more children....not sure if there is anything in place currently.

  7. What Made You Decide To Do This Topic?
